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Glazed Golden Vase oil painting.jpeg


Welcome to my paintings page! Here you will find a variety of painting mediums, such as oil painting, acrylic painting and gouache painting. Oil painting has been around since the 13th century and is known for its ability to create rich colors and textures. Acrylic painting is a more modern form of painting that has become popular due to its fast drying time and versatility. Gouache painting uses opaque pigments and is often used for illustrations and designs. Each of these mediums allows me to create unique pieces of art that I am excited to share with you. 

Pumpkin and Skull.jpg
One Still Standing, in the dark.heic
Pumpkin and Skull
One Still Standing, in the Dark
Picnic Day.jpg
Wildflowers in Green.heic
Picnic Day
Wildflowers in Green
Impasto Golden Vase.heic
Bones Fall.heic
Acrylic Black and White Vase.heic
Impasto Golden Vase
Bones Fall
Acrylic Black and White Vase
Bird of Paradise_edited.jpg
Tiger Lily_edited.jpg
Bird of Paradise
Tiger Lily
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